Ride Grades

    All Skinny Tyres rides are aimed at road cyclists of all abilities, but we want to ensure you choose a trip that matches your experience and preference.

    Each ride is graded depending on the miles ridden each day and the terrain covered. Please note that many of our trips are run in mountainous areas of Scotland and as such will include climbs whatever the grade. Please read the itinerary of the trip for full details of the route. If you are unsure then you can get in touch with us for more details:

    First Gear: Beginner

    Suitable for beginners or those new to cycling and those who wish to participate in a relaxing ride. These rides will also include beginners training and coaching weekends. Rides are typically between 30-45 miles / 50-75 kms per day. Due to the nature of the terrain in Scotland, there will be some climbing.

    Little Chainring: Easy

    Suitable for semi-regular riders or those new to cycling and wishing to gain experience and fitness. Rides are typically between 40-50 miles / 67-83 kms per day. They will include moderate climbs

    Middle Chainring: Moderate

    Suitable for those with experience and good fitness. You can expect days to contain several significant climbs with some steep to very steep sections and longer days in the saddle. Not suitable for beginners. Between 45-60 miles / 75-100 kms per day

    Big Chainring: Challenging

    Suitable for cyclists with good stamina and a high level of fitness. These rides will consist of multiple long distance days, featuring long and frequent ascents and descents. Rides are typically between 60-100 miles / 100-167km per day. Not suitable for beginners.

    We like to provide you a challenging ride safe in the knowledge that we will be there to support you all the way.

    Please be assured that as with all our trips, you will be supported along the way with guides and a back-up vehicle. We will have occasions to re-group and lunch stops will be included during the ride. Our complete support package on our trips will ensure that all you have to think about is getting on the bike and pedalling as we take care of everything else