Get out and ride
Don’t make excuses, just get out and ride.
Sometimes it is easy to sit back and excuse ourselves from doing something because it is too difficult, or too painful. But sometimes all we need to do is push a little bit harder and we may just find ourselves a little farther up that hill than we might have expected.

The Children in Need Rickshaw Challenge
Over the last 12 years, I have had the privilege to be involved in many cycling events for BBC Children in Need, including the BBC One Show Rickshaw Challenge. Each year, six young people pedalled the rickshaw and their positivity belied the emotional life story each had to tell. As the week progressed and tiredness set in, the riders became more emotional but, despite the difficulties that confronted them, they got up each morning, put on their cycling shoes, and rode the rickshaw with a huge smile on their faces.
For my part, it was an emotional journey too, and a bike ride like no other that I had experienced. For a start, we were travelling at an average of five miles per hour, (the rickshaw is very heavy). This meant that most days were around 15 hours on the road with breaks and rider’s change-over factored in. The epic days often meant starting on the road at 5 am, with one day in particular being a 2 am start. Despite these early starts crowds still lined the roads, even at 4 am, with some still in their pyjamas. I was also blown away by the generosity of the crowds lining the road. I had expected donations, but the team spent a considerable amount of time out on the route collecting tens of thousands of pounds from well-wishers.
Meet a challenge head on
The time I spent with the rickshaw team is filled with great memories and emotional times, but perhaps the one that stands out the most for me was with Erin from Sauchie. Throughout the challenge she was quiet and unassuming and it was hard to tell if she was in pain from the juvenile arthritis that she has.
She kept her emotions very well hidden.
The moment wasn’t dramatic, or as emotionally charged as many were on this event, but it struck a chord with me.
As I cycled along with her one day we came to the foot of a climb. It wasn’t steep and was relatively short compared to many others we had encountered. Previously, on such climbs we had supported Erin by taking a bit of the weight off the rickshaw by supporting it from behind as we rode up.
This time I left her. As we climbed I could see she was suffering and in pain. I said to her to let me know when I should help.
She said it was okay.
I rode with her in silence.
As we reached the top she asked “Did I just ride that?”
I replied that she had.
“I mean, did I ride it without anyone holding the rickshaw” she countered.
Again I replied that she had.
She nodded her head with a smile and said “I’m glad I did that. I needed to do that.”
For me, it was an understated but powerful moment that summed up the daily challenges these young people face. It exemplified how they find an inner strength each morning.
I found that humbling and something we can all learn from.
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“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice” – Bob Marley