King of the Mountains Smoothie
The magic ingredient of the KoM smoothie is beetroot juice. Beetroot juice has made a lot of headlines recently because of its high nitrate content. The nitrate content gets to work by speeding oxygen flow to the muscles and allowing them make the most of the oxygen breathed in.
This smoothie recipe is filled with beetroot juice and has a kick of ginger and lime. It’s very refreshing and is a great pre and post ride drink, just don’t be alarmed when your pee turns pink.
I recommend buying bottled beetroot juice as it is less messy and more economical than trying to juice your own beetroot. You can buy beetroot juice at many health food stores and on-line.
The recipe:
- Wash one red chilli pepper, slice the top off, but don’t de-seed, then juice (it’s important to juice this first as the juicing off the lime later will clean out the chilli taste from your juicer
- Wash one large lime, slice into several pieces and juice with skin on
- Cut a thumb sized piece of ginger (don’t peel) and put through the juicer
- Wash and juice one granny smith apple
- Freshly squeeze the juice from three oranges (this step can be missed and bought fresh orange juice used instead)
- Fill a pint glass with half a pint of beetroot juice
- Pour the chilli, ginger, lime and apple juice into the pint glass and top up more fresh orange if required.
- Give a quick stir and enjoy